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Saturn® Data International Company is greeting its partners, those who already proven by time and those who are just planning to join the circle of friends.
We express gratitude for many years of joint and fruitful cooperation, for confidence to us, to our equipment and solutions.
We are bringing to your attention the information prepared for you.
We are sure that this information will be helpful for you in getting to know our developments, our novelties and will be useful for you and your teams in many kinds of activity.

President of Saturn® Data International Company
Academician of the Academy of Mining Sciences of Ukraine,
PhD Rostislav Sherstiuk

Saturn® Data International Company begun its activity in Ukraine in 1995.

Today Saturn® Data International Company takes one of the leading positions in the fields of:

• development, designing, manufacturing, assembling and turnkey delivery of: 

• Company is a distributor of:

• provides consulting and services in the fields above.

Nowadays it is rapidly developing team of specialists with wide experience in scientific and practical activity. The Company features a comprehensive approach to the solution of existing problems.

Among the Company’s clients there are leaders of mining industry, oil and gas, energy, metallurgy and other industry fields as well as housing and communal services, international Ukrainian airports, nuclear power plants and many other well-known enterprises of Ukraine, CIS and entire the world.

The company has a unique experience in the implementation of complex tasks to automate the process of iron ore enrichment controls on more than 50 PCS enrichment sections with different types of mills and continuous-transport systems. Specialists of the company developed a series of special solutions: for control the noise level in the drum mill, for control the density of ferromagnetic suspensions, optimization techniques in the circuit of the first stage of grinding and many others. These solutions are protected by dozens of Company's patents.

Saturn® Data International Company is a member of Ukrainian Union of Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs, Academy of Mining Sciences of Ukraine, the Association of Industrial Automation enterprises of Ukraine, Ukrainian Quality Leaders Club etc.

The Company is a participant of international exhibitions such as China Mining, MiningWorld Ukraine 2016-2018, «Oil & Gas»`2001-2018, Mining Industry Expo, Minex Central Asia, Minex, CeBit, Hannover Messe, SPS/IPC/DRIVES Nuernberg Messe, Elcom, EnterEx, «Protection Technologies», Interkama, «Power & Energy", "Chempromexpo", “Industry. Investments. Technologies” in Ukraine, Germany, China, Kazakhstan and others countries of the world.

Our partners are well-known world companies, among them: Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA, Siemens, Компанії Rittal, GIT, Industronic, Phoenix Contact, Hörmann (Germany), R&M (Switzerland), MEDC Ltd (England), ADLink Technology Inc. (China, Thaiwan), SKB (USA), GT Line srl (Italy), TESLA (Slovakia), and other well-known companies of the world.

Company’s quality management system meets the requirements of international standard ISO 9001:2015.

Saturn® Data International Company is a permanent participant of the Ukrainian national contest of quality.

In 2005 the Company was awarded with honorable diplomas of the Ukrainian National Committee on the matters of regulatory policy and entrepreneurship in Ukraine, Ukrainian Union of manufacturers and entrepreneurs, Federation of employers of Ukraine.

In 2006, by the resolution of the Managing Bureau of Ukrainian Association of Quality, it was acknowledged as corresponded with the degree of “Recognition of Perfection in Ukraine”.

This achievement gave impulse to further development of company’s activity and yet in 2007 by the resolution of the Central Contest Committee, Saturn® Data International Company was declared the finalist of the 12-th Ukrainian national contest of Quality by the model of Perfection of the European Management Quality Fund (EFQM).

In 2008 the Company was awarded with honorary sign “The leader of Industry and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine”.

In 2010 by the resolution of Central Contest Committee, Saturn® Data International Company was declared the laureate of the 15-th Ukrainian national contest of Quality by the Model of Perfection of the European Management Quality Fund (EFQM).

In 2012 the Company was declared the laureate and awarded honorary sign “National Pride”.

In 2016 by the resolution of Central Contest Committee, Saturn® Data International Company was declared the winner of the 20-th Ukrainian national contest of Quality by the Model of Perfection of the European Management Quality Fund (EFQM).

Technical solutions supplied by the Company make possible to work in hard conditions, heightened humidity and dustiness, in vibration, in hostile surroundings, in the environment with low and high temperatures. 

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